School Meals

School Meals are cooked on the premises, although the children may bring a packed lunch if preferred. We believe that eating together is an important part of the child's social education. Pupils are called into lunch in Year Groups and every child having a school dinner will be ticked off a list as the enter the School Canteen.

If you wish to change to school dinners please fill in a form with at least two weeks’ notice in writing to change. If your child has an appointment that means your child will not be having their school dinner please let us know otherwise you will be charged. Each term you will receive a letter with how much you owe for school dinners and you will need to pay on Scopay.  School dinners are paid in advance, the cost of a School Meal from September 1st 2024 is £2.80.

School meals are provided by an external company Twelve 15. For more information about the supplier please click on the following link:-

Below is the document which shows which meals are being served.

School Dinner Menu

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Special Dietary Menus

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Some pupils may be eligible for free school meals, please see the eligibility criteria below.  If unsure please not hesitate to contact the School Office and can investigate further on your behalf.

Free school meals

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Year 6 Meal Option Choices

Year 6 are offered a meal option to help with their transition to secondary school next year.  Forms are handed out in class to the Year 6 pupils by the chef with hot and cold options including jacket potatoes, wraps or meal of the day.  If you would like your child to have a school meal option, please complete the form and hand in the week before. Any questions Year 6 children can speak to the chef.

Packed lunches

Children are welcome to bring in healthy packed lunches containing fruits and wholemeal breads rather than crisps and chocolate. Children are not permitted to bring fizzy drinks or any foods containing nuts in any of their packed lunches including those taken on a school journey. If you wish to change to packed lunches, please give at least two weeks’ notice. Packed lunch trollies are put outside the classrooms at the beginning of lunchtime.

Packed Lunch Policy

Break time snacks

As part of our Healthy School Programme we encourage children to bring a fresh fruit or vegetable snack for the morning break. No other snacks please.

Nuts and allergies

If your child suffers from any allergies please alert us immediately and complete the necessary form to ensure all the necessary staff are informed. We are a nut-free school, so please ensure none are included in any pack lunches or snacks at any time. 

Please find attached a poster and a form regarding allergies from our school meal provider Twelve 15.

Twelve 15 form and poster

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